喜欢吃凉拌菜的朋友们一定不会错过Highway Hamburger 汗味汉堡包,赶紧学一学它的做法,在打理食材的时候必须要细心一点,把沙子都处理干净,加入调味料的量必须适当,可以根据口味加入辣椒,让你吃的嘴巴爽、心里也爽。
1、Clean the vegetables.
2、Cut cucumber and tomato as flakes.
3、No fry, but Soft-boiled eggs,
4、Scribble dressing and put cucumber into the hamburger.
5、And put a soft-boiled egg and a lettuce.
6、Cover another lettuce on the egg and dressing.
7、Put hams and a piece of tomato on it,and scribble some dressing on the hamburger.
8、That"s Ok!
Highway Hamburger 汗味汉堡包这道菜做法简单易学,味道丰富,既是快节奏生活的产物,又是人们享受生活的乐趣所在。